Page dedicated to knowledge related to Prototype design pattern described by Robert Nystrom in the game programming patterns..
“object-oriented programming” lets you define “objects” which bundle data and code together.
In my own words
The key idea is that an object can spawn other objects similar to itself.
// ===== interface defining a spawner =========================================
class Spawner
virtual ~Spawner() {}
virtual Monster* spawnMonster() = 0;
// ===== template class to spawn class of type T ==============================
template <class T>
class SpawnerFor : public Spawner
virtual Monster* spawnMonster() { return new T(); }
// ===== spawn a ghost class ==================================================
Spawner* ghostSpawner = new SpawnerFor<Ghost>();
Later on, we can use some JSON format to spawn class with specific values for attributes. The constructor or the spawner can have default values that can be overriden.
"name": "goblin grunt",
"minHealth": 20,
"maxHealth": 30,
"resists": ["cold", "poison"],
"weaknesses": ["fire", "light"]
"name": "goblin wizard",
"prototype": "goblin grunt",
"spells": ["fire ball", "lightning bolt"]
"name": "goblin archer",
"prototype": "goblin grunt",
"attacks": ["short bow"]